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⏤W h y

— Why


⏤W h y

Ascending Lady Bosses

Most companies lack a balance of female and male leadership in their highest management levels (c-suites). 96% of women who hold roles at an executive (c-suite) level, were former athletes.

Part of ensuring we have balanced representation of male and female power in a company’s most influential space, is equipping women with tools to get there. Training physiology is one of those tools, and this climb is designed to support that process. Strong bodies build strong minds.

Technology Community & Pace

Out of all industries, technology moves the fastest. The technology community sets the pace for all other industries. Ergo, it has a responsibility to lead by example.


Wolves are independently strong, but stronger in a pack. In the wild, it’s their pack that allows them to survive. Similar to humans, this trek demonstrates women can summit a mountain solo, but conquer an entire region when working as a collective. Hence: the 46ers wolfpack.